This blog,, is a personal blog;
a non-commercial entity provided solely for entertainment purposes.
The administrator of this blog,, does not personally collect or store any information from visitors to this blog,
however, the blog is hosted by Blogger, which automatically collects
information such as visitors’ countries of origin, URLS of referring websites,
and things of this nature.
The administrator of this blog does not use this information
or share it for any purpose; not for mailing lists, email subscriptions, comment
collection, or for any other reason (there has never been a mailing list; e
mail subscriptions and comments are disabled).
Google/Blogger collects information from you over which the
administrator of this blog has no control, and no tools have been provided by
Google/Blogger to the administrator to remove this information from the
analytics of this blog. However, you can refer to the instructions in Google’s
privacy policy for information about how Google uses your information, or to
remove information you do not wish to be stored by Google. That policy can be found here.
If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy
please contact the administrator at fireworksflowers at gmail dot com.